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Concepts 1
Geographical areas 0
Datasets 0
Frequency 0
Assets (146580)
Financial corporations (95694)
Sector accounts (86446)
Sector (86025)
Accounts (84137)
Financial accounts (83671)
Non-financial accounts (82138)
Non-financial assets (81457)
Balancing items (81311)
Non-financial assets acquisitions (80821)
Capital transfers (80042)
Saving (80042)
Production (79875)
Allocation of primary income (79591)
Disposable income (79591)
Income (79591)
Secondary distribution of income (79591)
By instrument (62629)
Liabilities (40544)
Financial assets (39744)
Financial liabilities (38324)
Funds (23110)
Insurance corporations (16971)
Balance of payments (16928)
Government (14255)
Equity (12723)
Investment fund shares (12460)
Pension (12129)
Debt (11726)
Insurance (10347)
Pension funds (10306)
Shares (10263)
Standardised guarantees (9989)
Balance sheet (9517)
Securities (9051)
Currency (8785)
Deposits (8785)
Households (8640)
Debt securities (8349)
Investments (7777)
Monetary Financial Institutions (7703)
Non-financial corporations (7564)
Units (7270)
Loans (6938)
Non-profit institutions serving households (6776)
Trade credits (6657)
Accounts payable (6514)
Accounts receivable (6514)
Rest of the world (6227)
Investment funds (5726)
Total economy (5683)
Financial Vehicle Corporations (FVCs) (5558)
Financial institutions (5223)
Payable (4790)
Receivables (4790)
Financial derivatives (4786)
Entitlements (4582)
International reserves (4501)
Monetary gold (4501)
Government finance (4301)
Standardized guarantee schemes (4165)
External debt (4081)
SDRs (4041)
Derivatives (3808)
External assets (3691)
Offinancial reserve assets (3657)
Debt instruments (3477)
Reserve assets (3411)
Equity funds (3192)
Gold (3097)
Employee stock options (2944)
Options (2944)
Stock options (2944)
Transactions (2742)
Claims (2691)
Central bank (2685)
Schemes (2383)
Managers (2351)
Pension managers (2351)
Direct investment (2309)
Money market funds (2288)
Credit (2229)
Advances (2221)
Non-pension benefits (2172)
General government (2102)
By financial instrument (1976)
Non-profit institutions (1864)
Debt assets (1782)
Debt liabilities (1782)
Composite insurance corporations (1721)
Life insurance corporations (1721)
Non-life insurance corporations (1721)
Reinsurance corporations (1721)
Positions (1710)
Change in debt (1640)
Main accounts (1591)
Current account (1521)
Primary income (1521)
non-MFIs (1506)
Transferable deposits (1494)
Non-life (1481)
Reserves (1481)
Technical (1481)
Portfolio investments (1454)
Listed shares (1420)
Unlisted shares (1411)
non-general government (1382)
MFIs (1380)
Financial instruments (1344)
Credit institutions (1297)
Pension entitlements (1247)
Annuity (1176)
Life (1176)
Non-mmf investment fund (1116)
Calls (1097)
Guarantees (1097)
Provisions (1097)
Standardized guarantees (1097)
Benefits (925)
Net external debt (806)
GDP (799)
Main aggregates (799)
National accounts (799)
Fixed assets (704)
Euro (611)
Foreign currency assets (591)
Indicators (590)
All counterparts combined (495)
All currencies combined (495)
All maturities combined (495)
Assets and liabilities of euro area investment funds (other than money market funds) (495)
Fund (495)
Other than money market funds (495)
Total investment funds (495)
Analytical indicators (474)
Remaining assets (461)
Net positions (450)
Net transactions (442)
World not allocated (geographically) (385)
Foreign currency drains (332)
Short-term net drains (332)
Gross external debt (292)
Financial transactions (flows) (229)
Flows (229)
M3 (225)
MFI assets (225)
Monetary aggregates (225)
Outstanding amounts (225)
Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks) (225)
Stocks (225)
Total assets (221)
Total liabilities (221)
Gold accounts (217)
Unallocated accounts (217)
Instruments (207)
IMF (200)
Reserve position (200)
Special drawing rights (200)
Macroprudential (184)
Bullion (166)
Gold bullion (166)
Cash (157)
Government fice (151)
Central governement (120)
Capital account (114)
Gross acquisitions (114)
Non-MMF investment fund (113)
Equity (105)
Contributions (98)
Social contributions (98)
Taxes (98)
MMFs (94)
Extra Euro area (89)
Asset type (88)
Financial market (87)
Statistical balance sheet (84)
Currency assets (79)
Total financial assets (72)
Shares and other equity (61)
Shares and other equity o/w Investment fund and money marekt fund shares/units (61)
Accruals (55)
Cash collateral (55)
Collateral (55)
Deposit and loan claims (55)
Remaining assets and financial derivatives (55)
Total assets/liabilities (55)
Equity injections (54)
Privatisation (54)
Repo (47)
Annual growth rate (41)
Growth rate (41)
Index (41)
Index of Notional Stocks (41)
Euro area (39)
Adjusted loans (36)
Household (31)
Mortgage (31)
Residential real estate (31)
Foreign exchange indicators (30)
Bank sector (29)
Funding indicators (29)
Macroeconomic indicators (29)
GDP indicators (28)
Labour market (28)
Unemployment (28)
Euro area (changing composition) (21)
Interconnectedness (20)
Lending (19)
Non-bank variables (17)
Dwellings (16)
Buildings (8)
Consumption (8)
Cultivated assets (8)
Equipments (8)
House purchase (8)
Intangible fixed assets (8)
Machinery (8)
Purchases (8)
Structures (8)
Swaps (8)
Systems (8)
Weapon systems (8)
Weapons (8)
Costs (6)
Deflators (6)
Prices (6)
Repurchase agreements (6)
Housing wealth (4)
Residuals counterparts (4)
Wealth (4)
Reverse repurchase agreements (3)
Monetary financial assets (2)
Non-monetary financial assets (2)
Repo loans (2)
Net external assets (1)
Afghanistan (1)
Albania (1)
Algeria (1)
Andorra (6)
Angola (39)
Anguilla (20)
Antigua and Barbuda (18)
Argentina (12)
Armenia (202)
Aruba (187)
Australia (4640)
Austria (1523)
Azerbaijan (209)
Bahamas (14)
Bahrain (166)
Bangladesh (2)
Barbados (2)
Belarus (196)
Belgium (1552)
Belize (13)
Benin (2)
Bermuda (117)
Bhutan (27)
Bolivia (171)
Botswana (16)
Brazil (1362)
Brunei Darussalam (2)
Bulgaria (1790)
Burkina Faso (195)
Burundi (47)
Cambodia (2)
Cameroon (182)
Canada (5011)
Cape Verde (168)
Cayman Islands (34)
Central African Republic (1)
Chad (121)
Chile (2762)
China (225)
Colombia (5061)
Congo (1)
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the (2)
Costa Rica (3629)
Cote d`Ivoire (54)
Croatia (1441)
Cuba (13)
Curacao (230)
Cyprus (1378)
Czech Republic (1923)
Denmark (1663)
Dominica (21)
Dominican Republic (196)
ECB (European Central Bank) (72)
ESM (European Stability Mechanism) (1)
EU 27 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2007 (6)
EU27 (fixed composition) as of 31 January 2020 (brexit) (289)
EU28 (fixed composition) as of 1 July 2013 (139)
Ecuador (408)
Egypt (227)
El Salvador (2)
Equatorial Guinea (1)
Estonia (1393)
Ethiopia (1)
Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition (11366)
Euro area (changing composition) (1860)
Euro area 17 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2011 (12)
Euro area 18 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2014 (1058)
Euro area 19 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2015 (4894)
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 (2601)
European Central Bank (ECB) (4)
FR. Germany (4)
Faroe Islands (102)
Fiji (16)
Finland (1522)
France (1591)
Gabon (34)
Gambia (1)
Georgia (42)
Germany (1802)
Ghana (2)
Greece (1466)
Greenland (39)
Grenada (20)
Guam (3)
Guatemala (400)
Guinea (98)
Guinea-Bissau (1)
Guyana (1)
Haiti (1)
Honduras (430)
Hong Kong, China (61)
Hungary (1884)
Iceland (823)
India (910)
Indonesia (12)
Iran, Islamic Republic of (336)
Iraq (36)
Ireland (1894)
Israel (8964)
Italy (1924)
Jamaica (44)
Japan (6867)
Jordan (1)
Kazakhstan (434)
Kenya (28)
Kingdom of Eswatini (2)
Korea, Republic of (6722)
Kosovo (1)
Kuwait (213)
Kyrgyzstan (226)
Lao People`s Democratic Republic (20)
Latvia (1336)
Lebanon (74)
Lesotho (71)
Liberia (1)
Libya (1)
Lithuania (1497)
Luxembourg (1713)
Macao (60)
Madagascar (1)
Malawi (29)
Malaysia (172)
Maldives (1)
Mali (1)
Malta (1277)
Marshall Islands (17)
Mauritania (5)
Mauritius (15)
Mexico (3395)
Micronesia, Federated States of (60)
Moldova, Republic of (189)
Mongolia (204)
Montenegro (1)
Montserrat (20)
Morocco (371)
Mozambique (24)
Myanmar (1)
Namibia (86)
Nauru (4)
Nepal (1)
Netherlands (1770)
Netherlands Antilles (238)
New Zealand (1333)
Nicaragua (426)
Niger (158)
Nigeria (65)
Norway (4212)
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (5)
Oman (7)
Pakistan (2)
Palau (30)
Palestine, State of (18)
Panama (61)
Papua New Guinea (35)
Paraguay (73)
Peru (795)
Philippines (78)
Poland (1462)
Portugal (1932)
Puerto Rico (7)
Qatar (174)
Republic of North Macedonia (2)
Romania (1888)
Russian Federation (1271)
Rwanda (2)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (20)
Saint Lucia (21)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (20)
San Marino (74)
Saudi Arabia (17)
Senegal (211)
Serbia (5)
Seychelles (2)
Sierra Leone (26)
Singapore (45)
Slovakia (1429)
Slovenia (1447)
Solomon Islands (1)
South Africa (431)
South Sudan (5)
Spain (1889)
Sri Lanka (71)
Sudan (24)
Suriname (17)
Sweden (1342)
Switzerland (658)
Syrian Arab Republic (3)
Tajikistan (42)
Tanzania, United Republic of (35)
Thailand (57)
Timor-Leste (2)
Togo (58)
Tonga (11)
Trinidad and Tobago (167)
Tunisia (340)
Turkey (5156)
Uganda (6)
Ukraine (417)
United Arab Emirates (1)
United Kingdom (496)
United States (4381)
Uruguay (36)
Uzbekistan (189)
Vanuatu (32)
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic (357)
Viet Nam (1)
Virgin Islands, British (349)
Yemen (16)
Zambia (39)
Zimbabwe (1)
AMECO (AME) (112)
Balance Sheet Items (BSI) (2210)
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPM6)(discontinued) (BP6) (17723)
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPS) (14142)
Financial Vehicle Corporation (FVC) (5558)
Government finance statistics (ECB and Eurostat) (GFS) (4452)
Insurance Corporations Assets and Liabilities (ICB) (9042)
International Reserves of the Eurosystem (BPM6)(discontinued) (RA6) (2019)
International Reserves of the Eurosystem (RAS) (765)
Sector accounts, national accounts, non-EU countries (International Data Cooperation) (IDCS) (79591)
Securities Holdings Statistics (SHSS) (2370)
Annual (55972)
Monthly (7764)
Quarterly (82844)
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Working day and seasonally adjustedMonetary Financial Institutions (MFIs)Adjusted loansTotalIndex of Notional StocksEuro area (changing composition)Households and non-profit institutions s...All currencies combinedAnnual growth rate
Working day and seas...Monetary Financial I...Adjusted loansTotalIndex of Notional St...Euro area (changing ...Households and non-p...All currencies combi...Annual growth rate
Working day and seasonally adjustedMonetary Financial Institutions (MFIs)Adjusted loansTotalIndex of Notional StocksEuro area (changing composition)Non-Financial corporations (S.11)All currencies combinedAnnual growth rate
Working day and seas...Monetary Financial I...Adjusted loansTotalIndex of Notional St...Euro area (changing ...Non-Financial corpor...All currencies combi...Annual growth rate
Working day and seasonally adjustedMonetary Financial Institutions (MFIs)Adjusted loans excluding reverse repos w...TotalOutstanding amounts at the end of the pe...Euro area (changing composition)Non-MFIs excluding general governmentAll currencies combinedEuro
Working day and seas...Monetary Financial I...Adjusted loans exclu...TotalOutstanding amounts ...Euro area (changing ...Non-MFIs excluding g...All currencies combi...Euro
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar...Rest of the WorldCentral bankTotal economyTransactionsAssets (Net Acquisition of)Financial accountReserve AssetsTotal financial assets/liabilitiesEuroAll currencies except national domestic ...Not allocated/unspecified (including all...Compilation methodology based on interna...All resident units
World (all entities, including reference...Non financial corporationsTotal economyBalance (Credits minus Debits)Net lending (pos) / net borrowing (neg)Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c...Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar...All currenciesStandard valuation based on SNA/ESACurrent pricesNon transformed dataTotal
World (all entities, including reference...Households and non profit institutions s...Total economyAssets (Net Acquisition of)Closing balance sheet/Positions/StocksTotal financial assets/liabilitiesDomestic currency (incl. conversion to c...Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar...Non-consolidatedAll currenciesStandard valuation based on SNA/ESACurrent pricesNon transformed dataTotal
Calendar and seasonally adjusted dataGross fixed capital formationTotal - All activitiesFixed assets by type of asset (gross)Total economyEuroCurrent pricesWorld (all entities, including reference...Total economyDebit (Uses)Non transformed data
Calendar and seasona...Gross fixed capital ...Total - All activiti...Fixed assets by type...Total economyEuroCurrent pricesWorld (all entities,...Total economyDebit (Uses)Non transformed data
Neither seasonally nor working day adjus...MFIs excluding ESCBTotal Assets/LiabilitiesTotalOutstanding amounts at the end of the pe...World not allocated (geographically)Unspecified counterpart sectorAll currencies combinedEuro
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar...Rest of the WorldTotal economyTotal economyTransactionsNet (Assets minus Liabilities)Financial accountDirect InvestmentTotal financial assets/liabilitiesEuroAll currenciesNot allocated/unspecified (including all...Compilation methodology based on interna...All resident units
Neither seasonally a...Rest of the WorldTotal economyTotal economyTransactionsNet (Assets minus Li...Financial accountDirect InvestmentTotal financial asse...EuroAll currenciesNot allocated/unspec...Compilation methodol...All resident units
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar...Rest of the WorldTotal economyTotal economyTransactionsNet (Assets minus Liabilities)Financial accountAll functional categoriesTotal financial assets/liabilitiesEuroAll currenciesNot allocated/unspecified (including all...Compilation methodology based on interna...All resident units