Last updated: 4 May 2020 09:56 CEST
Series key: QSA.Q.N.RO.W0.S11.S1._Z.B.B6G._Z._Z._Z.XDC._T.S.V.N._T
World (all entities, including reference... Non financial corporations Total economy Balance (Credits minus Debits) Disposable income, gross Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... All currencies
World (all entities,... Non financial corpor... Total economy Balance (Credits min... Disposable income, g... Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... All currencies
Show all Modification of original data
Q4 2019, Provisional value

Millions of Domestic...

Gross disposable income of Non financial corporations
ChartUse left and right arrows to move selectionFrom 1999 to 2020Use left and right arrows to move left selectionFrom 1999Use left and right arrows to move right selectionTo 2020Use TAB to select grip buttons or left and right arrows to change selection