Last updated: 19 February 2025 19:11 CET
Series key: DWA.Q.IE.S14.A.LE.F62.D7.EUR_R_NH.S.N
Households Assets (Net Acquisition of) Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Life insurance and annuity entitlements Decile 7 based on net wealth concept Euro; ratio to number of households Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Non transformed data
Households Assets (Net Acquisit... Closing balance shee... Life insurance and a... Decile 7 based on ne... Euro; ratio to numbe... Standard valuation b... Non transformed data
Show all Modification of original data
Q3 2024, Estimated value

Thousands of Euro; r...

Life insurance and annuity entitlements of households - Decile 7 based on net wealth concept, per household
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