A dimension is a statistical concept that identifies a component within a dataset. For example, for the QSA dataset, there is a total of 18 dimensions available for defining the time series in the dataset.
- Frequency
- Adjustment indicator
- Reference area
- Counterpart area
- Reference sector
- Counterpart sector
- Consolidation Status
- Accounting entries
- Stocks, transactions, other flows
- Instrument and assets classification
- Maturity
- Expenditure (COFOG, COICOP, COPP or COPNI)
- Unit of measure
- Currency denominator
- Valuation
- Prices
- Transformation
- Custom breakdown codification
For detailed information on the definitions and concepts relating to the dimensions for the QSA, please click here. You can also find all the definitions of the dimensions in the SDMX glossary.
The dimensions are the basis of ordering time series keys on the ECB Data Portal. Each time series key starts with the dataset identifier followed by the relevant dimensions, all separated by a period symbol (.
). A selected dataset with constraints applied to all its dimensions is a unique time series.
For instance, a specific QSA time series, Listed shares issued, Total economy, can be represented by the following notation.
You can view the specific dimensions and ordering under each of your time series on the time series page. For more information, see Exploring time series page.
You can also search for time series using a wildcard, formulated as an asterisk (*
), to return all options for a specific dimension. You can find more information on using this function in Can I use wildcards in the search function?.