Browse data by concept using keywords.
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Frequently accessed concepts
- Bank interest rates (7830)
- Capital markets (15)
- Deposits (55463)
- Euro short-term rate (9)
- Exchange rates (867)
- GDP indicators (96)
- Government bond yield curves (2165)
- HICP (43964)
- Key interest rate (14)
- Loans (92616)
- MFI assets (225)
- MFI liabilities (41)
- Market data (105)
- Monetary aggregates (576)
- Overall index (194)
- Total assets (221)
- Total liabilities (221)
- Unemployment (108223)
- Yield curves (2165)
All concepts
- Access services (82)
- Accessories (954)
- Accommodation (241)
- Accomodation services (596)
- Accountancy (84)
- Accounts (96101)
- Accounts payable (22623)
- Accounts receivable (22623)
- Accruals (110)
- Accumulated changes (192)
- Acquisition expenses (248)
- Actual rentals (504)
- Ad-hoc (1149)
- Adjusted loans (767)
- Administered prices (79)
- Administrative fees (85)
- Advances (12007)
- Aeroplanes (34)
- Agreed maturity (4887)
- Agreements (632)
- Air (121)
- Air conditioners (80)
- Alcoholic beverages (1501)
- Alcoholic drinks (52)
- All OIS transactions except novations (1)
- All counterparts combined (1477)
- All currencies combined (1742)
- All forward OIS transactions except novations (1)
- All maturities combined (1477)
- All original maturities (106718)
- All securities held by Banks (2)
- All securities held by Central bank (2)
- All securities held by Central government excluding social security (2)
- All securities held by Financial corporations (2)
- All securities held by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (2)
- All securities held by Financial vehicle corporations (2)
- All securities held by General Government (2)
- All securities held by Households (2)
- All securities held by Insurance corporations (2)
- All securities held by Insurers and Pension Funds (2)
- All securities held by Money market funds (2)
- All securities held by Non financial corporations (2)
- All securities held by Non-MMF investment funds (2)
- All securities held by Pension funds (2)
- All securities held by Total economy (2)
- All securities settlement instruments (270)
- All spot OIS transactions except novations (2)
- All-items (1220)
- Allocation of primary income (83793)
- Ambulance (54)
- Analytical indicators (3512)
- Animal drawn vehicles (151)
- Animal fat (52)
- Annual growth rate (436)
- Annuity (2628)
- Annuity entitlements (3122)
- App - impact on banks (234)
- App - impact on lending (108)
- Appliances (2481)
- Articles (516)
- Artificial sugar substitutes (56)
- Asset price (15162)
- Asset price-linked (15162)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Banks (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Captive financial institutions (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Central bank (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Central government excluding social security (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Financial auxiliaries (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Financial vehicle corporations (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by General Government (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Households (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Insurers and Pension Funds (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Non financial corporations (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Non-MMF investment funds (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Other financial corporations (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Other financial intermediaries (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Social security funds (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by State and local government (684)
- Asset price-linked variable rate Debt securities issued by Total economy (684)
- Asset quality (2080)
- Asset type (88)
- Assets (146580)
- Assets and liabilities of euro area investment funds (other than money market funds) (1477)
- Assumptions (11008)
- Athens Exchange Clearing House (Athex Clear) (3)
- Attendance (82)
- Audio-visual (550)
- Australian dollar (5)
- Austria (2)
- Average daily turnover (151)
- BME Clearing (3)
- Babies (84)
- Baby food (85)
- Bakery products (87)
- Balance of payments (64400)
- Balance sheet (16030)
- Balancing items (82727)
- Bank credit indicators (493)
- Bank interest rates (7830)
- Bank lending survey (7099)
- Bank sector (14278)
- Banking structure (328)
- Banknotes (799)
- Banknotes shipments (4)
- Banks (66400)
- Banks lending margins (132)
- Bathroom (84)
- Beauty products (86)
- Bed (87)
- Beef (87)
- Beer (373)
- Belgium (4)
- Belgium (collateral issuer) (34)
- Benchmark bond (10)
- Benefits (1239)
- Bennet chain indices (384)
- Beverages (2504)
- Bicycles (204)
- Bilateral exchange rates (124)
- Binding services (52)
- Biological resources (223)
- Boats (56)
- Bond (106)
- Bond funds (22775)
- Bonds (33409)
- Books (738)
- Borrowing (1773)
- Borrowing indicators (316)
- Bottom 50% (819)
- Brazilian real (5)
- Bread (208)
- Breakfast (87)
- British pound (5)
- Broad EER group of trading partners (EER-41) (6)
- Brokers (50)
- Building permits (95)
- Buildings (233)
- Bulgarian lev (5)
- Bullion (347)
- Bus (87)
- Business and consumer surveys (112)
- Business indicators (3278)
- Business volumes (1238)
- Butter (87)
- By age (832)
- By component (13970)
- By currency (581)
- By economic activity (398)
- By financial instrument (7016)
- By gender (840)
- By holder (820)
- By instrument (276398)
- By investment policy (136590)
- By issuer (820)
- By main activity (2050)
- By original maturity (528)
- By residual maturity (501)
- By size class (2)
- CC and G (3)
- CCPs (72)
- CME Clearing Europe Ltd (2)
- COFOG (158344)
- CRE exposures (484)
- CSD accounts (1728)
- Cable-car (38)
- Cafes (209)
- Calculation method (2)
- Calculators (56)
- Calls (1833)
- Cameras (87)
- Camper vans (52)
- Camping (234)
- Camping sites (78)
- Canadian dollar (5)
- Canteens (121)
- Capital (2297)
- Capital account (588)
- Capital expenditure (2494)
- Capital guarantee (66)
- Capital markets (15)
- Capital revenue (626)
- Capital transfers (81357)
- Car registrations (718)
- Caravans (52)
- Carpenters (64)
- Carpets (372)
- Cars (394)
- Casa Romana de Compensatie S.A. (CRC) (3)
- Casa de Compensare Bucuresti (CCB) (3)
- Cash (184)
- Cash collateral (196)
- Cash securities (882)
- Catering services (120)
- Cboe Clear Europe (35)
- Celebration (87)
- Central bank (25351)
- Central governement (660)
- Central government (10)
- Ceramic (87)
- Cereal (375)
- Chair-lift (38)
- Change in debt (5338)
- Charges (86)
- Cheese (208)
- Child services (84)
- Children (175)
- Chilled fish (85)
- Chilled fruit (87)
- Chilled seafood (58)
- Chilled vegetables (87)
- Chinaware (87)
- Chinese yuan renminbi (5)
- Chocolate (208)
- Cigarettes (87)
- Cigars (66)
- Cinema (88)
- Cinematographic (165)
- Claims (7371)
- Cleaning (380)
- Cleaning services (73)
- Clearing link (145)
- Clocks (269)
- Closed-end funds (39880)
- Clothes (87)
- Clothing (1316)
- Coach (87)
- Coal (63)
- Cocoa (206)
- Coffee (208)
- Coffee machines (87)
- Coins (799)
- Collateral (196)
- Collective consumption (87)
- Combined passenger transport (104)
- Commercial property prices (3)
- Commercial real estate (484)
- Commodities (4)
- Commodity prices (22)
- Communication (242)
- Communication services (121)
- Community amenities (440)
- Compensation (1437)
- Composite insurance corporations (1777)
- Compounded euro short-term rate average rate (5)
- Compounded euro short-term rate index (1 Oct 2019 = 100) (1)
- Concerts (88)
- Condiments (87)
- Condolidated transactions (1386)
- Confectionery (121)
- Confectionery products (87)
- Consolidated (74694)
- Consolidated financial statement (1059)
- Consolidated statement (35)
- Construction (238)
- Consumer (3)
- Consumer credit (1292)
- Consumption (5895)
- Consumption by component (87)
- Contact lenses (87)
- Contracts (955)
- Contributions (122)
- Convenience credit (120)
- Cookers (87)
- Corep (1270)
- Corporate bond (12)
- Corrective eyeglasses (87)
- Corrective-gymnastic (54)
- Costs (9583)
- Counselling (34)
- Couscous (87)
- Credit (19270)
- Credit conditions (51)
- Credit exposure (4514)
- Credit institutions (1861)
- Credit lines (5056)
- Credit service indicators (237)
- Credit standards (273)
- Crisps (85)
- Croatian kuna (5)
- Cross border exposures (32)
- Cross-country variation (188)
- Crystal-ware (87)
- Culinary herbs (85)
- Cultivated assets (8)
- Cultural (689)
- Cultural services (689)
- Culture (1024)
- Curd (87)
- Currency (38287)
- Currency assets (79)
- Currency exposures (32)
- Current account (11925)
- Current expenditure (7222)
- Current revenue (5227)
- Curtains (84)
- Cutlery (86)
- Cycles (79)
- Czech koruna (5)
- Dancing (88)
- Dancing establishments (88)
- Danish krone (5)
- Debt (133680)
- Debt Securities (852)
- Debt assets (1782)
- Debt changes (168)
- Debt holdings (1354)
- Debt instruments (12079)
- Debt liabilities (1782)
- Debt securities (536904)
- Debt securities held by Banks (352)
- Debt securities held by Central bank (420)
- Debt securities held by Central government excluding social security (380)
- Debt securities held by Financial corporations (420)
- Debt securities held by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (420)
- Debt securities held by Financial vehicle corporations (372)
- Debt securities held by General Government (420)
- Debt securities held by Households (420)
- Debt securities held by Insurance corporations (140)
- Debt securities held by Insurers and Pension Funds (420)
- Debt securities held by Money market funds (352)
- Debt securities held by Non financial corporations (420)
- Debt securities held by Non-MMF investment funds (140)
- Debt securities held by Pension funds (140)
- Debt securities held by Total economy (420)
- Debt securities issued by Banks (6845)
- Debt securities issued by Captive financial institutions (6774)
- Debt securities issued by Central bank (6774)
- Debt securities issued by Central government excluding social security (6840)
- Debt securities issued by Financial auxiliaries (6774)
- Debt securities issued by Financial corporations (6840)
- Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks (6840)
- Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (6774)
- Debt securities issued by Financial vehicle corporations (6840)
- Debt securities issued by General Government (6840)
- Debt securities issued by Households (6774)
- Debt securities issued by Insurers and Pension Funds (6774)
- Debt securities issued by Non financial corporations (6840)
- Debt securities issued by Non-MMF investment funds (6774)
- Debt securities issued by Other financial corporations (6774)
- Debt securities issued by Other financial intermediaries (6774)
- Debt securities issued by Social security funds (6774)
- Debt securities issued by State and local government (6774)
- Debt securities issued by Total economy (6840)
- Debt securities, equities and other securities (85)
- Debt service indicators (237)
- Debt-to-Assets Ratio (231)
- Decile D1 (21)
- Decile D10 (840)
- Decile D2 (21)
- Decile D3 (21)
- Decile D4 (21)
- Decile D5 (21)
- Decile D6 (840)
- Decile D7 (840)
- Decile D8 (840)
- Decile D9 (840)
- Defence (409)
- Deficiencies (1)
- Deficit (5028)
- Deficit-debt adjustment (170)
- Deflators (49)
- Delivery instructions (10059)
- Delivery instructions processed (total) (141)
- Delivery instructions processed, average value of transactions (total) (39)
- Delta quarter 1 (3)
- Delta quarter 2 (3)
- Delta quarter 3 (3)
- Delta quarter 4 (3)
- Delta quarter 5 (3)
- Delta quarter 6 (3)
- Delta quarter 7 (3)
- Delta quarter 8 (3)
- Demand (1428)
- Denmark (2)
- Dental services (121)
- Deposit and loan claims (55)
- Deposit facility rate & two-tier system (234)
- Deposit liabilities (7029)
- Deposits (55463)
- Deposits ratio (20)
- Derecognised loans (14)
- Derivatives (11812)
- Devices (7470)
- Diesel (87)
- Direct investment (5732)
- Direct participants (765)
- Disabled persons (80)
- Dish (87)
- Disposable income (80683)
- Distributional Wealth Accounts (11373)
- Domestic (331)
- Domestic flights (62)
- Domestic services (258)
- Downloads (52)
- Drawing materials (293)
- Dried fish (76)
- Dried fruit (87)
- Dried meat (87)
- Dried vegetables (87)
- Drinks (347)
- Driver (85)
- Driving lessons (88)
- Drying machines (87)
- Durables (866)
- Dwellings (1954)
- E-book (52)
- ECB (10)
- ESAs (171)
- EU budget (856)
- EUREX Clearing A.G. (2)
- EUREX Clearing A.G. (1)
- Earnings (745)
- Economic affairs (533)
- Economic indicator (74)
- Edible ices (87)
- Edible offal (68)
- Edible oils (85)
- Education (2228)
- Effective exchange rates (709)
- Eggs (208)
- Elderly persons (80)
- Electric (360)
- Electrical appliances (320)
- Electricians (73)
- Electricity (546)
- Electronic money (152)
- Embedded options (79)
- Employee (768)
- Employee stock options (10213)
- Employees (147)
- Employees compensation (44)
- Employment (751)
- Energy (482)
- Energy prices (26)
- Enterprises (3298)
- Entitlements (13409)
- Environmental protection (440)
- Equipments (5471)
- Equity (70091)
- Equity (105)
- Equity funds (40806)
- Equity injections (54)
- Equity markets (42)
- Esoteric products (86)
- Establishments (69)
- Estimate (10)
- Estimated MFI loans (10)
- Euro (1551)
- Euro (in millions) (183)
- Euro area (93)
- Euro area (changing composition) (21)
- Euro area FVCs (20)
- Euro short-term rate (9)
- Excess reserves (20)
- Exchange rates (867)
- Exchange-traded (106)
- Exchange-traded funds (2770)
- Executed trades number (492)
- Executed trades value (494)
- Exempted excess reserves (20)
- Exemption allowance (20)
- Expenditure (168775)
- Expenditure by function (158344)
- Extended EER group of trading partners (EER-18) (15)
- Extended credit (184)
- Extended credit card debt (98)
- External assets (3691)
- External debt (8894)
- External liabilities (205)
- External trade (26237)
- Extra Euro area (89)
- FDI debt instruments (72)
- Fabrics (84)
- Farm-gate (10)
- Fast food (86)
- Fats (208)
- Fees (220)
- Fiction books (87)
- Final consumption (449)
- Financial Business Wealth (837)
- Financial Vehicle Corporations (FVCs) (6326)
- Financial accounts (345396)
- Financial assets (39744)
- Financial condition indicators (816)
- Financial corporations (273247)
- Financial derivatives (12869)
- Financial institutions (21529)
- Financial instruments (1564)
- Financial integration (66)
- Financial liabilities (38324)
- Financial market (1489)
- Financial market indicators (42)
- Financial markets surveys (6747)
- Financial sector (1006)
- Financial services (378)
- Financial transactions (flows) (447)
- Finland (2)
- Finrep (3244)
- Fiscal burden (1905)
- Fish (454)
- Fitted carpets (46)
- Fitting out of boats (56)
- Fixed assets (704)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Banks (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Captive financial institutions (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Central bank (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Central government excluding social security (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Financial auxiliaries (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Financial corporations (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Financial vehicle corporations (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by General Government (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Households (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Insurers and Pension Funds (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Non financial corporations (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Non-MMF investment funds (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Other financial corporations (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Other financial intermediaries (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Social security funds (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by State and local government (1368)
- Fixed coupon Debt securities issued by Total economy (1368)
- Fixed rate (17026)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Banks (38)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Central bank (42)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Central government excluding social security (38)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Financial corporations (42)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (42)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Financial vehicle corporations (38)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by General Government (42)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Households (42)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Insurance corporations (2)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Insurers and Pension Funds (42)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Money market funds (38)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Non financial corporations (42)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Non-MMF investment funds (2)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Pension funds (2)
- Fixed rate Debt securities held by Total economy (42)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Banks (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Captive financial institutions (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Central bank (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Central government excluding social security (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Financial auxiliaries (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Financial vehicle corporations (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by General Government (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Households (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Insurers and Pension Funds (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Non financial corporations (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Non-MMF investment funds (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Other financial corporations (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Other financial intermediaries (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Social security funds (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by State and local government (684)
- Fixed rate Debt securities issued by Total economy (684)
- Fixed rate issues (31246)
- Flatware (86)
- Flights (150)
- Floating rate issues (752)
- Floor coverings (448)
- Flours (87)
- Flowers (208)
- Flows (951)
- Food (6738)
- Food processing appliances (83)
- Food products (205)
- Food services (86)
- Footwear (624)
- Foreign currency assets (591)
- Foreign currency drains (9812)
- Foreign exchange indicators (30)
- Forward 12M24M (bucket) (3)
- Forward type (130)
- Forwards (1580)
- France (4)
- France (collateral issuer) (34)
- Freezers (87)
- Fresh fish (85)
- Fresh fruit (87)
- Fresh milk (167)
- Fresh seafood (58)
- Fresh vegetables (87)
- Fridge-freezers (87)
- Frozen fish (85)
- Frozen fruit (56)
- Frozen seafood (67)
- Frozen vegetables (87)
- Fruit (430)
- Fruit juice (208)
- Fruit-based products (79)
- Fuels (1031)
- Fund (1477)
- Fund shares held by Banks (2)
- Fund shares held by Central government excluding social security (2)
- Fund shares held by Financial corporations (2)
- Fund shares held by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (2)
- Fund shares held by Financial vehicle corporations (2)
- Fund shares held by General Government (2)
- Fund shares held by Households (2)
- Fund shares held by Insurance corporations (2)
- Fund shares held by Insurers and Pension Funds (2)
- Fund shares held by Non financial corporations (2)
- Fund shares held by Non-MMF investment funds (2)
- Fund shares held by Pension funds (2)
- Fund shares held by Total economy (2)
- Funding (1594)
- Funding indicators (167)
- Funds (250809)
- Funeral services (84)
- Funicular (38)
- Furnishing (747)
- Furniture (699)
- Futures (1580)
- GDP (95039)
- GDP indicators (96)
- Games (254)
- Garages (132)
- Gardens (1247)
- Gardens furniture (70)
- Garments (382)
- Gas (629)
- General government (15624)
- General practice (77)
- Germany (4)
- Germany (collateral issuer) (34)
- Gini (21)
- Glassware (449)
- Gliders (34)
- Goat (72)
- Gold (7050)
- Gold accounts (453)
- Gold bullion (347)
- Goods (12412)
- Government (23225)
- Government (8)
- Government bond (2190)
- Government bond yield curves (2165)
- Government debt (7737)
- Government fice (6683)
- Government finance (255320)
- Government_x000D_ (4)
- Grills (61)
- Gross (6022)
- Gross acquisitions (114)
- Gross external debt (3832)
- Gross issues (52146)
- Gross issues (flows) (168)
- Gross saving (255)
- Growth rate (83)
- Growth rate indices (710)
- Growth rate to previous period (39)
- Growth rates (1774)
- Guarantees (1833)
- HICP (43964)
- Hairdressing (176)
- Hairdressing salons (121)
- Handling services (85)
- Hang-gliders (34)
- Health (1876)
- Hearing aids (59)
- Heat energy (217)
- Heaters (80)
- Heating systems (66)
- Hedge (106)
- Hedge funds (22757)
- Herbs (85)
- Hire (558)
- Hobbies (209)
- Holdings (10)
- Holiday centres (78)
- Holidays (512)
- Honey (208)
- Hong Kong dollar (5)
- Horses (36)
- Hospital (232)
- Hospital services (232)
- Hot-air balloons (34)
- Hotels (209)
- Hourly labour costs (26)
- House prices indicators (226)
- House purchase (2434)
- Household (239)
- Household appliances (1398)
- Household furniture (589)
- Household maintenance (329)
- Household services (186)
- Household textiles (499)
- Household utensils (535)
- Households (22486)
- Houses (492)
- Housing (2504)
- Housing Wealth (852)
- Housing services (121)
- Housing transactions (130)
- Housing wealth (80)
- Hungarian forint (5)
- Hungary (2)
- ICE Clear Europe (3)
- ICE Clear Netherlands B.V. (3)
- ICT equipment (102)
- IMF (420)
- IMM-dated trades (24)
- Ice cream (87)
- Import prices (434)
- In/outdoor recreation (115)
- Income (83118)
- Index (125)
- Index of Notional Stocks (83)
- Indian rupee (5)
- Indicative rates (35)
- Indicators (11150)
- Individual consumption (18155)
- Indonesian rupiah (5)
- Indoor recreation (121)
- Industrial goods (604)
- Industrial new orders (22)
- Industrial production (836)
- Industrial turnover (1607)
- Infants (174)
- Inflation (110722)
- Inflation-linked (15162)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Banks (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Captive financial institutions (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Central bank (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Central government excluding social security (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Financial auxiliaries (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Financial vehicle corporations (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by General Government (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Households (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Insurers and Pension Funds (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Non financial corporations (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Non-MMF investment funds (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Other financial corporations (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Other financial intermediaries (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Social security funds (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by State and local government (684)
- Inflation-linked rate Debt securities issued by Total economy (684)
- Information (161)
- Information processing equipment (262)
- Information processing equipments (121)
- Inns (88)
- Instruments (9097)
- Insurance (30531)
- Insurance corporations (35087)
- Intangible fixed assets (8)
- Intellectual products (238)
- Inter-MFI liabilities (2)
- Inter-bank positions (92)
- Interbank (34)
- Interconnectedness (692)
- Interest payable (426)
- Interest rate component (192)
- Interest rate-linked (15162)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Banks (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Captive financial institutions (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Central bank (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Central government excluding social security (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Financial auxiliaries (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Financial corporations (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Financial vehicle corporations (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by General Government (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Households (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Insurers and Pension Funds (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Non financial corporations (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Non-MMF investment funds (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Other financial corporations (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Other financial intermediaries (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Social security funds (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by State and local government (684)
- Interest rate-linked Debt securities issued by Total economy (684)
- Interest rates (23038)
- International flights (88)
- International reserves (13981)
- Internet (82)
- Intra-day loans (101)
- Intra-group positions (338)
- Inventories (69)
- Investment Fund Shares (837)
- Investment counsellors (50)
- Investment fund shares (59300)
- Investment fund shares/units (872)
- Investment funds (201115)
- Investments (23210)
- Ireland (2)
- Irons (81)
- Israeli shekel (5)
- Issuances (168)
- Issuer (4339)
- Issues (31998)
- Italy (4)
- Italy (collateral issuer) (34)
- Items (1130)
- Jam (208)
- Japanese yen (5)
- Jewellery (271)
- Job vacancy (2)
- KDPW_CCP S.A. (3)
- KELER CCP Zrt. (3)
- Key interest rate (14)
- Kitchen (87)
- LCH. Clearnet Ltd. (3)
- LCH. Clearnet S.A. (21)
- LME Clear Limited (3)
- Laboratories (67)
- Labour costs (7329)
- Labour force (1248)
- Labour input compensation (3702)
- Labour market (9902)
- Labour productivity (7496)
- Lager (87)
- Lamb (72)
- Land (4)
- Large insurance groups (147)
- Leasing (47)
- Legal services (84)
- Lending (2034)
- Lending indicators (276)
- Letter (85)
- Leverage (493)
- Liabilities (54065)
- Libraries (84)
- Licences (175)
- Life (5750)
- Life insurance and annuity entitlements (852)
- Life insurance corporations (1777)
- Lighting (84)
- Linen (171)
- Lines (5056)
- Liquefied hydrocarbons (79)
- Liqueurs (87)
- Liquid fuels (230)
- Liquidity (2503)
- Listed Shares (837)
- Listed companies (44)
- Listed securities number (495)
- Listed shares (29786)
- Listed shares held by Banks (42)
- Listed shares held by Central government excluding social security (2)
- Listed shares held by Financial corporations (42)
- Listed shares held by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (42)
- Listed shares held by Financial vehicle corporations (2)
- Listed shares held by General Government (42)
- Listed shares held by Households (42)
- Listed shares held by Insurance corporations (42)
- Listed shares held by Insurers and Pension Funds (42)
- Listed shares held by Non financial corporations (42)
- Listed shares held by Non-MMF investment funds (42)
- Listed shares held by Pension funds (42)
- Listed shares held by Total economy (42)
- Listed shares issued by Banks (692)
- Listed shares issued by Captive financial institutions (672)
- Listed shares issued by Central bank (672)
- Listed shares issued by Financial auxiliaries (672)
- Listed shares issued by Financial corporations (692)
- Listed shares issued by Financial corporations other than banks (692)
- Listed shares issued by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (672)
- Listed shares issued by Insurers and Pension Funds (672)
- Listed shares issued by Non financial corporations (692)
- Listed shares issued by Other financial corporations (672)
- Listed shares issued by Other financial intermediaries (672)
- Listed shares issued by Total economy (692)
- Loan transfers (14)
- Loans (92616)
- Loans and deposits received (55)
- Long-term (31)
- Long-term original maturity (52764)
- Low fat milk (84)
- Lubricants (320)
- Luxembourg (2)
- M1 (79)
- M2 (144)
- M3 (400)
- MFF shares held by Banks (2)
- MFF shares held by Central government excluding social security (2)
- MFF shares held by Financial corporations (2)
- MFF shares held by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (2)
- MFF shares held by Financial vehicle corporations (2)
- MFF shares held by General Government (2)
- MFF shares held by Households (2)
- MFF shares held by Insurance corporations (2)
- MFF shares held by Insurers and Pension Funds (2)
- MFF shares held by Money market funds (2)
- MFF shares held by Non financial corporations (2)
- MFF shares held by Non-MMF investment funds (2)
- MFF shares held by Pension funds (2)
- MFF shares held by Total economy (2)
- MFI assets (225)
- MFI liabilities (41)
- MFIs (6659)
- MMFs (1004)
- MP-dated trades (48)
- Maastricht debt (6365)
- Machinery (375)
- Macroeconomic indicators (165)
- Macroprudential (22354)
- Magazines (87)
- Main accounts (7114)
- Main aggregates (9741)
- Maintenance (1396)
- Maintenance Period 1 (6)
- Maintenance Period 2 (6)
- Maintenance Period 3 (6)
- Maintenance Period 4 (6)
- Maintenance Period 5 (6)
- Maintenance Period 6 (6)
- Maintenance Period 7 (6)
- Maintenance Period 8 (6)
- Maintenance charges (76)
- Malaysian ringgit (5)
- Managers (9410)
- Margarine (87)
- Market capitalisation (44)
- Market data (105)
- Market funds (180)
- Market value (274137)
- Marmalade (87)
- Materials (239)
- Maturity (4887)
- Meals (84)
- Mean Wealth (21)
- Meat (361)
- Meat preparations (87)
- Mechanical contraceptive devices (85)
- Media (362)
- Median Wealth (21)
- Medical (85)
- Medical analysis (67)
- Medical appliances (471)
- Medical equipment (325)
- Medical products (641)
- Medical services (207)
- Men (262)
- Mexican peso (5)
- Microlight aircraft (34)
- Milk (446)
- Milk products (87)
- Mineral water (208)
- Minimum reserves (1072)
- Miscellaneous accessories (84)
- Mixed (106)
- Mixed funds (22770)
- Mobile (87)
- Monetary Financial Institutions (19441)
- Monetary aggregate M1 (14)
- Monetary aggregate M2 (13)
- Monetary aggregate M3 (19)
- Monetary aggregates (576)
- Monetary deposits (2)
- Monetary financial assets (2)
- Monetary gold (9910)
- Monetary indicators (34)
- Monetary securities (2)
- Money (180)
- Money market (33)
- Money market funds (5617)
- Mortgage (31)
- Mortgage loan features (193)
- Mortgages (852)
- Motels (88)
- Motor (388)
- Motor cycles (121)
- Motor vehicle (86)
- Motorcars (14)
- Motorised (82)
- Multioccupied buildings (76)
- Museums (84)
- Musical instruments (273)
- National accounts (21126)
- National contributions (10)
- Natural gas (83)
- Negotiated wages (8)
- Net Wealth (852)
- Net external assets (1)
- Net external debt (3779)
- Net flows (55)
- Net issues (51572)
- Net issues (flows) (168)
- Net positions (570)
- Net transactions (1006)
- Net wealth deciles (5137)
- Netherlands (4)
- Netherlands (collateral issuer) (34)
- New Zealand dollar (5)
- New issues (1830)
- New redemptions (1830)
- Newspapers (524)
- Nominal (2171)
- Nominal EERS (258)
- Non Financial Business Wealth (837)
- Non energy commodity prices (12)
- Non-FVC (11)
- Non-MFIs (1267)
- Non-MMF investment fund (1726)
- Non-OTC derivatives (810)
- Non-UCITS funds (19805)
- Non-alcoholic beverages (1070)
- Non-bank variables (17)
- Non-consolidated debt (1439)
- Non-domestic (840)
- Non-durable articles (87)
- Non-durable goods (121)
- Non-durables (120)
- Non-electric (87)
- Non-electrical appliances (86)
- Non-exempted excess reserves (20)
- Non-fiction books (85)
- Non-financial accounts (95429)
- Non-financial assets (81457)
- Non-financial assets acquisitions (80821)
- Non-financial corporations (14366)
- Non-life (5350)
- Non-life insurance (3131)
- Non-life insurance corporations (1777)
- Non-mmf investment fund (4144)
- Non-monetary deposits (2)
- Non-monetary financial assets (2)
- Non-monetary securities (2)
- Non-motorised tools (122)
- Non-pension benefits (9439)
- Non-profit institutions (3877)
- Non-profit institutions serving households (18609)
- Non-tertiary education (48)
- Norway (2)
- Norwegian krone (5)
- Notional cash-pooling (64)
- Number of active banks (2)
- Number of participants (449)
- Number of transactions (2)
- Nuts (87)
- OIS (113)
- OMIClear, C.C., S.A (3)
- OMX (3)
- OTC derivatives (702)
- Official interest rates (14)
- Offinancial reserve assets (3657)
- Oil (293)
- Olive oil (87)
- Open-air recreation (234)
- Open-end funds (39880)
- Operation (468)
- Opinion surveys (112)
- Optical (39)
- Optical instruments (121)
- Options (11240)
- Options type (8030)
- Original maturity between 1 and 2 years (13480)
- Original maturity between 2 and 5 years (13480)
- Original maturity over 10 years (13486)
- Original maturity over 5 years and up to 10 years (13486)
- Other Debt (852)
- Other changes in volume (44455)
- Other funds (102)
- Other funds (other than equity, bond, mixed, real estate, hedge funds) (102)
- Other than money market funds (1477)
- Out-patient services (121)
- Outboard motors (56)
- Outdoor recreation (60)
- Outright (85)
- Outstanding amounts (8940)
- Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks) (443)
- Over 10 years (bucket) (3)
- Overall index (194)
- Overdrafts (284)
- Overnight (51)
- Overnight deposits (3899)
- Owner or partial owner (780)
- P&L (2399)
- Package domestic holidays (64)
- Package holidays (361)
- Package international holidays (87)
- Paid (87)
- Painters (80)
- Paper products (85)
- Paramedical services (283)
- Parking meters (83)
- Parking spaces (80)
- Participants number (437)
- Participation (88)
- Passenger (121)
- Passenger transport (761)
- Pasta (87)
- Pasta products (87)
- Payable (17470)
- Payment card (7888)
- Payment services (81655)
- Payment systems (81655)
- Payments (103009)
- Pension (31332)
- Pension entitlements (8408)
- Pension funds (33656)
- Pension managers (9618)
- Periodicals (208)
- Personal care (1082)
- Personal computers (87)
- Personal effects (888)
- Personal grooming establishments (121)
- Personal grooming treatments (87)
- Personal hygiene (86)
- Personal services (241)
- Personal transport (1544)
- Personal wellness (86)
- Petrol (87)
- Pets (558)
- Pharmaceutical products (121)
- Philippine peso (5)
- Photographic (681)
- Photographic services (85)
- Picture (187)
- Pizza (83)
- Plants (208)
- Plumbers (78)
- Polish zloty (5)
- Ponies (36)
- Population (753)
- Pork (87)
- Portable sound devices (77)
- Portable vision devices (77)
- Portfolio investments (17308)
- Portugal (4)
- Positions (5882)
- Post offices (86)
- Post-secondary education (48)
- Postal services (398)
- Potatoes (87)
- Poultry (87)
- Powdered chocolate (85)
- Pre-Euro Short-Term Rate (8)
- Pre-primary education (450)
- Pre-recorded (82)
- Pregnancy tests (85)
- Premiums (248)
- Preserved fish (87)
- Preserved fruit (79)
- Preserved milk (71)
- Preserved vegetables (87)
- Prices (9650)
- Primary deficit (227)
- Primary education (450)
- Primary expenditure (232)
- Primary income (5464)
- Primary surplus (227)
- Principal common component of inflation (3)
- Printed matter (195)
- Private insurance (78)
- Privatisation (54)
- Processed fish (87)
- Processed food (242)
- Processed vegetables (87)
- Processing equipment (775)
- Producer prices (1559)
- Production (81070)
- Products (2474)
- Profitability (1266)
- Property prices (190)
- Property products (238)
- Provisions (4964)
- Public insurance (21)
- Public order (440)
- Public safety (440)
- Public services (502)
- Publication type (1)
- Purchases (1254)
- Quantity (70)
- Quantity (in millions) (51)
- Quantity (in thousands) (43)
- Quarterly (76)
- Quiche (83)
- Radio (87)
- Railway (116)
- Rate (95039)
- Rate at 25th percentile of volume (2)
- Rate at 75th percentile of volume (2)
- Rating (1080)
- Rating A+ (1085)
- Ready-made meals (84)
- Real CPI deflated (6)
- Real CPI-deflated EERS (430)
- Real GDP deflated (2)
- Real GDP growth (1)
- Real PPI deflated (3)
- Real ULCM deflated (2)
- Real ULCT deflated (2)
- Real estate (102)
- Real estate funds (22758)
- Receivables (17470)
- Reception (349)
- Recording (470)
- Recording media (362)
- Recreation (1588)
- Recreation services (241)
- Recreational (1579)
- Recreational items (823)
- Recreational services (756)
- Redemptions (51606)
- Redemptions (flows) (168)
- Reference rates (144)
- Refrigerators (87)
- Refuse collection (115)
- Regulatory or supervisory actions (324)
- Reinsurance corporations (1777)
- Reinvestment (745)
- Religion (440)
- Remaining assets (461)
- Remaining assets and financial derivatives (55)
- Remaining counterparts (1)
- Remaining liabilities (464)
- Remaining liabilities and financial derivatives (55)
- Removal services (72)
- Rental or free use (780)
- Rentals (551)
- Repairs (2046)
- Repo (98)
- Repo loans (4)
- Repo transactions (432)
- Reproduction (349)
- Repurchase agreements (1796)
- Required reserves (20)
- Reserve assets (3411)
- Reserve base (1)
- Reserve maintenance (121)
- Reserve position (420)
- Reserves (2534)
- Residences (80)
- Residential property prices (187)
- Residential real estate (580)
- Residuals counterparts (5)
- Resources (223)
- Rest of the world (16066)
- Restaurants (330)
- Retail (81655)
- Retail trade turnover (156)
- Retired (768)
- Retirement homes (80)
- Revaluations (44455)
- Revenue (45226)
- Reverse repurchase agreements (63)
- Revolving loans (284)
- Rice (87)
- Risk assessment indicators (99)
- Risk indicators (30)
- Road (121)
- Road worthiness tests (88)
- Romanian leu (5)
- Routine (121)
- Rugs (84)
- Russian ruble (5)
- SDRs (9822)
- Salt (85)
- Salted fish (76)
- Salted meat (87)
- Sauces (87)
- Saving (81237)
- Schemes (10050)
- Sea (163)
- Seafood (201)
- Seafood-based preparations (87)
- Seasonal food (240)
- Seasonally adjusted (13)
- Second-hand vehicles (101)
- Secondary distribution of income (82896)
- Secondary education (318)
- Secondary income (1001)
- Secondary residences (42)
- Sector (311522)
- Sector accounts (315490)
- Secured (262)
- Securities (570849)
- Securities clearing (21354)
- Securities clearing statistics (104)
- Securities exposures (32)
- Securities held in acounts (total) (90)
- Securities holdings (11275)
- Securities issues (38292)
- Securities settlement statistics (321)
- Securities trading (21354)
- Securities transfers (1590)
- Securitisations (14)
- Security settlements (21354)
- Self-employed (915)
- Semi-durables (120)
- SemiBilateral exchange rates (31)
- Service charges (50)
- Services (15534)
- Services to maintain people (73)
- Services turnover (20)
- Settlement 1 year after trade date year (24)
- Settlement media (3220)
- Settlement media used by Non-MFIs (2698)
- Settlement media used by credit institutions (522)
- Settlement on the same year as trade date (24)
- Sewerage collection (117)
- Share of volume of the 5 largest active banks (2)
- Shares (82107)
- Shares and other equity (61)
- Shares and other equity o/w Investment fund and money marekt fund shares/units (61)
- Shipbuilding (56)
- Shoes (121)
- Short-term european paper (1075)
- Short-term net drains (9812)
- Short-term original maturity (13776)
- Silverware (86)
- Singapore dollar (5)
- Smoked fish (76)
- Smoked meat (87)
- Social contributions (38205)
- Social protection (2959)
- Social rents (23)
- Soft drinks (260)
- Software (67)
- Solid fuels (309)
- Sound (349)
- South African rand (5)
- South Korean won (5)
- Spain (4)
- Spain (collateral issuer) (34)
- Spare parts (208)
- Special drawing rights (200)
- Specialist practice (80)
- Spices (85)
- Spirits (208)
- Sporting services (291)
- Sports (291)
- Spot (155)
- Spot/Next (48)
- Spread (2)
- Spring waters (87)
- Standardised guarantees (24272)
- Standardized guarantee schemes (11832)
- Standardized guarantees (4964)
- Stationery (293)
- Stationery materials (206)
- Statistical balance sheet (483)
- Stock options (10213)
- Stock positions (48475)
- Stocks (443)
- Storage services (72)
- Structural financial indicators (341)
- Structural housing indicators (334)
- Structural indicators (334)
- Structures (233)
- Subscriptions (87)
- Subsidies (1437)
- Sugar (264)
- Supercore (3)
- Supply (4639)
- Supply side (130)
- Surplus (5028)
- Survey of professional forecasters (318069)
- Survey on the access to finance of enterprises (189501)
- Surveys (521528)
- Swaps (177)
- Sweden (2)
- Swedish krona (5)
- Swiss franc (5)
- Switzerland (2)
- Syndicated loans (319)
- Systems (375)
- TLTRO III - participation/reasons (7)
- Table (84)
- Tableware (449)
- Take-away (86)
- Target balance (42)
- Taxes (39666)
- Taxi (85)
- Tea (208)
- Tea makers (87)
- Technical (2219)
- Telecommunication (80)
- Telefax (817)
- Telephones (1076)
- Television (87)
- Terminal (35309)
- Tertiary education (83)
- Tests (88)
- Text books (77)
- Textiles (738)
- Thai baht (5)
- Theatre (88)
- Therapeutic appliances (325)
- Therapeutic equipment (54)
- Therapy (54)
- Thermalbaths (54)
- Tires (87)
- Toasters (61)
- Tobacco (831)
- Toll facilities (83)
- Tomorrow/Next (48)
- Tools (745)
- Total (1000)
- Total Assets (852)
- Total Liabilities (852)
- Total assets (221)
- Total assets/liabilities (55)
- Total economy (430858)
- Total financial assets (72)
- Total investment funds (743)
- Total liabilities (221)
- Total participants (70)
- Total volume (156)
- Town gas (83)
- Toys (208)
- Trade (46)
- Trade credits (24195)
- Trade weights (26191)
- Trailers (52)
- Train (83)
- Tram (54)
- Transactions (70811)
- Transferable deposits (3907)
- Transmission services (40)
- Transport (3072)
- Transport equipment (225)
- Transport services (1629)
- Travel (52)
- Travel goods (86)
- Tubers (51)
- Turkish lira (5)
- UCITS funds (19805)
- Unallocated accounts (453)
- Undefined and other (768)
- Underground (54)
- Unemployed (651)
- Unemployment (108223)
- Unit labour costs (7496)
- United Kingdom (4)
- United States dollar (5)
- Units (46965)
- Unlisted shares (8097)
- Unprocessed food (243)
- Unrecorded (79)
- Unsecured (63)
- Unused allowance (20)
- Utensils (535)
- Valuables (69)
- Valuation effects (588)
- Value added (2050)
- Variable interest rate (339)
- Variable rate (77674)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Banks (38)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Central bank (42)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Central government excluding social security (38)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Financial corporations (42)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (42)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Financial vehicle corporations (38)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by General Government (42)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Households (42)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Insurance corporations (2)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Insurers and Pension Funds (42)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Money market funds (38)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Non financial corporations (42)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Non-MMF investment funds (2)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Pension funds (2)
- Variable rate Debt securities held by Total economy (42)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Banks (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Captive financial institutions (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Central bank (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Central government excluding social security (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Financial auxiliaries (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Financial vehicle corporations (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by General Government (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Households (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Insurers and Pension Funds (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Non financial corporations (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Non-MMF investment funds (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Other financial corporations (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Other financial intermediaries (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Social security funds (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by State and local government (1368)
- Variable rate Debt securities issued by Total economy (1368)
- Veal (87)
- Vegetable juices (208)
- Vegetables (520)
- Vehicles (757)
- Veterinary (206)
- Vision (84)
- Volume (1087)
- Volume-weighted trimmed mean rate (2)
- Ware (87)
- Washing machines (87)
- Watches (269)
- Water (571)
- Water supply (242)
- Waterway (150)
- Wealth (80)
- Wealth Share of the Bottom 50% (21)
- Wealth Share of the Top 10% (21)
- Wealth Share of the Top 5% (21)
- Weapon systems (375)
- Weapons (375)
- Weight component (192)
- Weighted average rate (133)
- Whole milk (83)
- Wholesale (342)
- Whom-to-whom accounts (522)
- Wine (382)
- Women (262)
- Work (3723)
- World not allocated (geographically) (1367)
- X-ray centres (67)
- Yield curves (2165)
- Yields and spreads above benchmark rates (576)
- Yoghurt (87)
- Youth hostels (78)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Banks (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Captive financial institutions (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Central bank (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Central government excluding social security (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Financial auxiliaries (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Financial corporations (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Financial vehicle corporations (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by General Government (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Households (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Insurers and Pension Funds (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Non financial corporations (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Non-MMF investment funds (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Other financial corporations (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Other financial intermediaries (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Social security funds (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by State and local government (1368)
- Zero coupon Debt securities issued by Total economy (1368)
- Zero-coupon bonds (31197)
- Zoological gardens (84)