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Data presentation - Summary description

The Main aggregates in the national accounts (MNA dataset) include gross domestic product (GDP), value added by main economic activity, main expenditure components and aggregated income statistics. These data are collected and disseminated by the European Commission (Eurostat) and the national statistical authorities.


The MNA dataset also includes additional indicators calculated by the ECB, such as implicit GDP deflators, contributions to growth, unit labour costs and its components (compensation per employee and labour productivity), as well as business investment. Data for the euro area, EU and the EU Member States are available.

Data presentation - Detailed description

Gross domestic product (GDP) and its components – value added by economic activity, expenditure and income statistics – are part of the ESA 2010 annual and quarterly national accounts produced by the European Commission (Eurostat) and national statistical authorities. Euro area results are estimated using information for the individual countries.


GDP is the value of an economy’s total output of goods and services minus intermediate consumption, plus net taxes on products and imports. GDP can also be broken down by expenditure or income components. The main expenditure aggregates that make up GDP are household final consumption, government final consumption, gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories, and imports and exports of goods and services (including intra-euro area trade) while the income components include gross operating surplus and mixed income, compensation of employees, taxes on production and imports, and subsidies.


The GDP deflators and unit labour costs and its components (compensation per employee and labour productivity) are calculated by the ECB based on the ESA 2010 national accounts data.


The GDP deflators are the ratios of the series in current prices and volume series, where the current price series for the countries are adjusted for national exchange rate movements before joining the euro area.


Unit labour costs are a measure of total labour costs per unit of output calculated as the ratio of compensation per employee to labour productivity (defined as GDP per person employed).


Labour productivity reflects the output that can be produced with a given input of labour. It can be measured in several ways, but it is commonly measured as GDP divided by either total employment (by people in employment, i.e. including both employees and self-employed) or total hours worked. The headline ECB measure calculates labour productivity as GDP divided by persons in employment.


Compensation per employee is the total remuneration, in cash or in kind, that is payable by employers to employees in return for work, i.e. gross wages and salaries, as well as bonuses, overtime payments and employers’ social security contributions, divided by the total number of employees.


For more information, please refer to the ESA2010 manual and  ESA2010 Transmission programme (Table 1).  

Reference area coverage

Individual EU Member States, the euro area and EU aggregates and the enlargement countries.

Methodological information
Time period

Quarterly and Annual

Statistical concepts and definitions

For information about the naming convention (series key dimensions and metadata), refer to the MNA underlying DSD (NA_MAIN) maintained by the ESTAT.

Statistical unit

EUR and national currency (XDC). Chain-linked volume series, indices and deflators have price reference year of 2020=100.

Statistical processing

Not adjusted; calendar and seasonally adjusted; seasonally adjusted, not calendar adjusted; calendar adjusted, not seasonally adjusted.

Administrative Information

MNA - National accounts, GDP and Main aggregates (Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 1)

Data source
Contact organisation

European Central Bank

Release policy - release calendar

See Eurostat  

Dissemination format

Data are disseminated to ECB Data Portal on the internet.

Documentation on methodology
Technical Information

Download the series catalogue containing a full list of series and associated metadata of the dataset MNA in CSV format (zipped)

Dataset last update
18 February 2025 16:43 CET
Metadata last update
10 October 2024 16:34 CEST