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CSDB-Derived Securities Issues Statistics (CSEC) provide data on outstanding stocks, gross issues, redemptions, net issues, revaluations and other changes in volume of debt securities and listed shares in the euro area and non-euro area EU Member States. CSEC data are broken down by sector of issuer, maturity of issuance, coupon type and currency of issuance.Indicators on issuances of sustainable debt securities (stocks and flows) comprise a breakdown by sustainability classification (green, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked) for the euro area and EU aggregates, including breakdown by issuer country and sector. Data on sustainable debt securities are published for two levels of assurance: i) all sustainable debt securities, i.e. with all degrees of assurance including only self-labelled instruments, and ii) securities with a second party opinion validating the sustainability claims of the issuer.
The Securities Holdings Statistics by Sector (SHSS), collected on a security-by-security basis, provide information on securities held by selected categories of euro area investors, broken down by instrument type, holder country and further classifications.Indicators on holdings of sustainable debt securities (stocks and financial transactions) comprise a breakdown by sustainability classification (green, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked), including a breakdown by issuer area. A breakdown by individual holder country is available for all sustainable classifications. Additionally, a breakdown by holder sector is available for euro area aggregates for all sustainable classifications, and for individual country aggregates for green bonds only. Data on sustainable debt securities are published for two levels of assurance: i) all sustainable debt securities, i.e. with all degrees of assurance including only self-labelled instruments, and ii) securities with a second party opinion validating the sustainability claims of the issuer.
Government finance statistics (GFS) provide a comprehensive overview of fiscal developments in the euro area, the European Union, and individual EU Member States. Data for Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States are also available, although with less detail.